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Drunk Zubair sets ablaze 9 cars in Agra, parked outside the houses with Saffron flags, claims he was angry for not getting help, in another incident 3 youths in Karnataka threaten to set Ayodhya Aastha train of Ram bhakts on fire just like Godhra tragedy

3 youths threaten to set train carrying Ayodhya pilgrims on fire; passengers protest in Hospet demanding to arrest accused
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Uttar Pradesh: Drunk Zubair sets ablaze 7 cars in Agra, claims he was angry for not getting help, locals allege cars parked in houses with Saffron flags targeted
Uttar Pradesh: Drunk Zubair sets ablaze 7 cars in Agra, claims he was angry for not getting help, locals allege cars parked in houses with Saffron flags targeted

In a shocking event that unfolded in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, on the night of Thursday, February 22nd, a Muslim man named Zubair, hailing from Panipat, Haryana, was arrested for setting fire to nine vehicles in a span of just 27 minutes. Reports suggest that Zubair, who was under the influence of alcohol at the time, embarked on this fiery spree, using a lighter to ignite the vehicles. These vehicles were not randomly chosen; they were specifically parked in front of houses in the quiet Murli Vihar Colony. What makes this act even more alarming is the alleged motive behind it. Zubair claimed his actions were out of anger for not receiving help when he needed it.

The local law enforcement, the Agra police, have been swift in their response. They have arrested Zubair and are preparing to present him in court for the legal proceedings that await. The investigation is far from over, with officers diligently working to piece together the events of that fateful night. Their efforts have been aided by multiple CCTV footage from the area, which has been instrumental in confirming Zubair's identity and actions.

Adding a layer of complexity to the incident, local residents have voiced concerns that the choice of vehicles was not random. They allege that Zubair specifically targeted cars parked outside houses displaying Saffron Lord Ram flags. This detail, if true, could suggest a deeper, more disturbing motive behind the seemingly random act of vandalism.

In the early hours of Thursday, the tranquil Murli Vihar Colony under the Shahganj police station jurisdiction in Agra was jolted awake by an unexpected crisis. At precisely 1:57 a.m., the Chouhan family was startled by the blaring alarms of their car sensors. Fearing a burglary, they rushed outside, only to be met with the horrifying sight of their car engulfed in flames. Despite their efforts, the vehicle suffered significant damage before the fire could be brought under control. In a disturbing coincidence, Assistant District Public Prosecutor Yogesh Baghel, residing in the same neighborhood, experienced a similar fate with his car being set ablaze.

As the night progressed, it became evident that this was not an isolated incident. Several other residents discovered their vehicles in flames, prompting an urgent call to the authorities. The police response was swift, leading to the arrest of Zubair, the man allegedly responsible for these acts of vandalism. His presence was confirmed through CCTV footage from the colony, capturing his movements during the spree.

The arson attacks were not limited to vehicles alone. The perpetrator set fire to 14 different locations within the colony, targeting not only cars but also wooden materials, straw pools, kiosks near the railway line, a hut, and garden mesh stored outside homes. The entire episode was recorded by surveillance cameras, providing crucial evidence for the ongoing investigation. This series of fires plunged the community into chaos, with residents taking to the streets in a desperate attempt to apprehend the culprit.

Gajendra Singh, a resident of Murli Vihar, recounted the terrifying moment his car alarm went off around 2 a.m., initially suspecting a theft. Upon inspection, he found his car ablaze and, with the assistance of neighbors, managed to extinguish the fire, albeit not before the vehicle sustained considerable damage. Within minutes, another car owned by Yogendra Baghel, located merely 200 meters away, was also set on fire. The arsonist didn't stop there; vehicles owned by Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, Chandrant Upreti, Atul Dubey, and Ajeet Singh were similarly attacked, with some cars being completely destroyed. In total, nine cars were torched in a remarkably short timeframe—from 1:57 a.m. to 2:24 a.m.

This spree of deliberate and destructive actions has left the residents of Murli Vihar Colony in a state of shock and fear, pondering the safety of their community and the motives behind such unwarranted violence.

In the wake of the unsettling arson attacks in Agra's Murli Vihar Colony, the local community rallied together in a determined search for the perpetrator. Their efforts paid off when they successfully apprehended the individual believed to be responsible, later identified as Zubair, in the vicinity of the crime scene.

The attacks seemed to carry a specific targeting criterion, according to the observations made by the locals. They noted that the arsonist appeared to have selectively targeted vehicles parked outside homes that prominently displayed Lord Ram flags, coinciding with the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha celebrations. It was pointed out that cars situated in front of homes without such saffron flags remained untouched. Similarly, among the other properties damaged, a kiosk adorned with a saffron flag was set ablaze, while neighboring kiosks lacking the flag were spared from the arsonist's wrath.

ACP Mayank Tiwari, from the Lohamandi police station, provided further insights into the law enforcement's response to the incidents. The police were alerted to the situation by a local resident, leading to Zubair's swift arrest. According to ACP Tiwari, Zubair was responsible for the torching of nine cars—three of which were completely destroyed, while the remaining four suffered partial damage. Additionally, two stalls and a tea shop were also victim to the arson. Zubair was taken into custody immediately upon the police's arrival at the scene. An investigation was launched, involving various departments such as the Intelligence Bureau (IB), Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), and Local Intelligence Unit (LIU) to interrogate Zubair and delve into his past criminal activities. The case has been officially filed, and legal proceedings are underway to bring Zubair to court.

Upon his arrest, Zubair was found to be under the influence of alcohol, rendering him initially unable to undergo questioning. It wasn't until the afternoon, once the effects had worn off, that the police could begin their interrogation. During this process, Zubair claimed his actions were born out of frustration. He alleged that he had been unable to locate a specific address and received no assistance from the locals when he inquired, which led to his angry response of setting the vehicles on fire.

In the ongoing investigation of the arson attack that shook Agra's Murli Vihar Colony, the police have delved into the background of the accused, Zubair, tracing his roots back to Panipat, Haryana. Their search revealed that Zubair has no prior criminal record. This discovery adds a layer of complexity to the case, challenging the initial perceptions of his character.

The incident, which targeted vehicles parked outside homes displaying saffron flags, has stirred considerable unrest among the local community. Residents are questioning the narrative provided by Zubair, who claimed his actions were a result of frustration from not receiving help when asked. They find it hard to reconcile this explanation with the fact that the arson selectively affected homes with saffron flags, especially considering the timing—a month following the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha celebrations. This pattern has prompted locals to suspect a deeper motive, leading to the involvement of the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in the investigation.

Further details emerged from a media statement by Zubair's wife, who recounted that her husband had left for Agra on Thursday evening to visit a friend named Abdul Rauf in Bapu Nagar Khandari. Upon questioning, Abdul Rauf disclosed to the police that Zubair had consumed alcohol at a shop in TP Nagar prior to the incident. This piece of information was substantiated by CCTV evidence from the location.

Complicating the narrative is the analysis of CCTV footage from Murli Vihar Colony, a sprawling area where the arson took place. The footage shows Zubair setting fire to vehicles within a remarkably short timeframe and covering vast distances between them, leading some residents to speculate whether he had an accomplice. This aspect of the investigation raises questions about the logistics of the crime and suggests that the authorities may need to consider the possibility of more individuals being involved in the planning and execution of the arson attacks.

Set fire to their cars

  • Assistant District Government Advocate Yogesh Baghel (whole car destroyed)
  • Balveer Singh Paonia
  • -PC Chaturvedi
  • Atul Kumar Dubey (car engine burnt)
  • Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal (whole car destroyed)
  • Ajit Singh
  • Chandrakant Upraiti (whole car destroyed)
  • Gajendra Singh Chauhan (car front part burnt)
  • Sunil Sharma

These also became targets

  • In the wood kept at the gate of Jaiveer Singh's house
  • In Rajkumar Aggarwal's haystack
  • In Kishan Singh's kiosk located along the railway line.
  • In a hut of roadside nuts
  • The nets in the gardens in front of the houses of two including Ramesh Chahar were set on fire.

The accused changed his statement several times after being caught. Had given his name wrong. If he is crazy then why is he changing his statement again and again?

3 Youths Threaten to Set Train Carrying Ayodhya Pilgrims on Fire; Passengers Protest in Hospet Demanding Arrest of Accused

In a recent incident that gripped the Hospet Railway Station in Vijayanagara District, a significant disruption occurred. This event unfolded late Thursday night when "three men from different faiths threatened to set coaches of the train returning from Ayodhya on fire." The train, known as the Special Aastha Train, which operates between Ayodhya and Mysuru, became the center of a high-tension drama.

The situation escalated when these individuals attempted to board coach number 2, specifically reserved for devotees returning from Ayodhya. Their attempt was thwarted by some passengers, leading to a heated exchange. The altercation grew intense as the youths "used foul language and threatened to set the train on fire," according to reports from those present.

The reaction from the passengers was swift and unanimous. In a bid to ensure their safety and uphold justice, they detained the three individuals and handed them over to the Railway Police. However, the unfolding of events took an unexpected turn. The passengers were taken aback and deeply angered when the police decided to release the youths instead of taking them into custody. This decision by the police sparked outrage among the devotees.

Feeling aggrieved and seeking accountability, the passengers initiated a "flash protest at Hospet Railway Station," demanding the arrest of the three individuals and the formal filing of an FIR against them. The protest saw a dramatic moment when the police attempted to move the train, but the determined passengers pulled the chain, bringing the train to a halt once more. Their resolute stand attracted the support of local Vishwa Hindu Parishad members, who rallied at the site to back the protesters.

The standoff concluded only after the police capitulated to the demands of the passengers, agreeing to file a case against the three men. This resolution allowed the train to resume its journey, bringing an end to the protest. This incident underscored the passengers' firm stance against threats to their safety and their unwavering demand for justice.

In response to the growing interest in visiting Ayodhya, the Railways had introduced several special trains from various parts of the state for February and March. This initiative was meant to accommodate the increasing demand from passengers wishing to travel to the revered city.

Karnataka BJP Calls for Probe into Alleged Threat to Burn Ayodhya Special Train

The political landscape of Karnataka witnessed a stir as the BJP called for a thorough investigation into an alarming incident—the alleged threat to set ablaze a train returning from Ayodhya. This call to action was spearheaded by former Karnataka BJP minister C.T. Ravi, who made a pointed demand to the state government on Friday, specifically targeting Congress MLC B.K. Hariprasad in the process.

Ravi, in his conversation with the media, highlighted a controversial statement made by Hariprasad, which hinted at the potential for a "Godhra-like incident" in the state. This reference to a deeply tragic and violent event in the nation's history raised immediate concern and demanded swift attention.

The BJP leader emphasized the urgency of the situation, advocating for preemptive measures to "be taken before any tragedy would take place." His concern was not just limited to the threat itself but also extended to the response of the law enforcement authorities to the incident at Hospet Railway Station. Here, youths were reportedly accused of threatening to torch a special train from Ayodhya. Despite being handed over to the police by "devotees of Shri Ram," the accused were released without charges, an act Ravi decried as "dereliction in their duty." He insisted that "action must be initiated" against those responsible for this oversight, underlining the gravity of the situation and the potential risks it posed to public safety and communal harmony.

In a significant development following the unsettling event at Hospet Railway Station, the conversation has taken a new turn with "Congress MLC Hariprasad, a former member of the Rajya Sabha," being brought into focus. The attention is not without cause, as pointed out by a BJP leader, who stressed the importance of Hariprasad's statements regarding the potential for unrest. According to him, "It can't be assumed that he is sharing information for the sake of it. The (Hospet Railway Station) incident is not coincidental." This suspicion has led to calls for Hariprasad himself to be interrogated, urging him to "share the source of his statement," and investigate whether his alarming predictions have any basis in reality.

The incident in question unfolded on a Thursday night, marked by a confrontation that could have escalated into a major crisis. Devotees, filled with the spiritual satisfaction of their pilgrimage from Ayodhya, were on their return journey to Mysuru aboard a special train. Their peaceful transit was abruptly disrupted near Hospet Railway Station, located in the Vijayanagara district, when "a group of four youths reportedly belonging to the minority community" attempted to enter a coach specifically reserved for these devotees.

The situation quickly heated when these youths were informed they "can't board the coach reserved for devotees," leading to a heated exchange. The altercation took a threatening turn as the youths allegedly "threatened that they would burn it down." Law enforcement at the scene managed to defuse the immediate danger by relocating the youths to another coach.

However, the response from the passengers was one of immediate action; they disembarked and "staged a protest at the railway station for more than an hour demanding immediate arrest of the youths." The protest, fueled by the passengers' demands for justice, saw the participation of Hindu activists and Bajrang Dal members, amplifying the call for accountability.

In response to the escalating situation, "Vijayanagara SP Srihari Babu B.L. rushed to the spot," providing assurances to the agitated passengers. His promise to "file an FIR and arrest those involved" aimed to quell the tension and ensure that the law would pursue those responsible for threatening the safety and peace of the returning devotees. This incident has not only raised questions about security and communal harmony but has also highlighted the critical role of prompt and effective law enforcement response in maintaining public trust and safety.


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