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"Fading Star's Fumbles": Mia Khalifa, hailed for her 'talents' on adult platform, tried geopolitics with laughable naiveté, leading Playboy and Canadian broadcaster to exit ties, her 'expertise' on Hamas and India shows a comedic disconnect from reality

"Today, we are calling you out on your hate-mongering and severing all ties with you," Playboy said in its termination letter to Mia Khalifa.
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When 'Fame' Goes Too Far: Playboy Dumps Notorious Ex-Porn Star Mia Khalifa Over Vile Hamas Endorsement
When 'Fame' Goes Too Far: Playboy Dumps Notorious Ex-Porn Star Mia Khalifa Over Vile Hamas Endorsement

Playboy, a brand known for pushing boundaries but clearly having some, made a compelling move this week. The magazine's decision to sever ties with Mia Khalifa, infamous not for her intellect but her past as a porn star, sends a strong message. And the trigger? Khalifa's stomach-churning applause for Hamas in their horrific onslaught against Israel.

In a bold statement, Playboy declared, "Today, we are calling you out on your hate-mongering and severing all ties with you." Actions do have consequences, after all.

On Monday (9th October), the iconic brand made its stance crystal clear. In their communication to the Playboy Creator Community, the company expressed their sheer disgust and horror at Khalifa's repugnant comments. They said, "We are writing today to let you know of our decision to terminate Playboy’s relationship with Mia Khalifa, including deleting Mia’s Playboy channel on our creator platform." Why? Because, over recent days, Khalifa unabashedly glorified Hamas’ violence on Israel, mocking the tragic loss of innocent lives.

It's a sobering reminder that not all attention is good attention. And sometimes, the "fame" one clings to, even if it’s rooted in an adult film background, can evaporate swiftly when one stoops to celebrating terror. The world watches, and for Mia Khalifa, this time, her audience wasn't entertained. It was appalled.

Screengrab of the letter

For anyone thinking they could hide behind the façade of free speech to spew venom, Playboy’s recent actions prove otherwise. In a time when the world's eyes are on the escalating violence in Israel, facilitated by Hamas' terror tactics, Playboy draws a definitive line. “At Playboy, we encourage free expression and constructive political debate, but we have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech. We expect Mia to understand that her words and actions have consequences,” they stated unequivocally.

Playboy’s stance isn't a newfound revelation but an adherence to a legacy. Their termination letter to Mia reverberated with their historical commitment, reading, “Playboy has always been a champion of free speech. We have fought in the courts for the rights of all people to speak free from any governmental interference. For seventy years, we've highlighted varying viewpoints, from our magazine pages to our digital platforms, featuring thought-leaders, creators, and artists."

With a history so rich in promoting free thought and discourse, Playboy makes it clear: while diverse viewpoints are embraced, celebrating violence, especially against innocents, finds no sanctuary within their walls. Those cheering on Hamas' reign of terror should take note. The world is watching, and businesses like Playboy aren’t hesitating to make their stance known.

Amid the volatile backdrop of terror and aggression, brands worldwide are taking a stance. Playboy is not one to shy away. Drawing a clear line in the sand, the iconic magazine reiterated, “We also have no place in our company nor on our platforms for speech that is hateful and dehumanising. Your recent statements celebrating Hamas’ attacks on innocent men, women and children in Israel, including rape, mutilation, killing and torture, are disgusting and reprehensible.”

Twitter handle | @OliLondonTV

Their stern message to Mia underlined the repercussions of peddling such distressing rhetoric. Playboy emphasized, “Consequently, we are hereby permanently terminating you from the Playboy creator platform and ending all other business dealings we may have with you.”

While defending the sanctity of free speech, Playboy also underscored the responsibilities that come with it. The company conveyed, “We want to be very clear: we respect your right to free speech. We also expect that you understand that how you use your speech has consequences. Today, we are calling you out on your hate-mongering and severing all ties with you. We will also be letting our creator community know of our decision,” marking an emphatic statement in the global discourse against hate and bigotry.

Playboy deleted Mia Khalifa’s channel. Source: Playboy 

Mia Khalifa’s Disastrous Fall from Grace (Pornstar)

While the world sought unity in the face of chaos and heartbreak, some seemed determined to drive a wedge even deeper. Enter Mia Khalifa, whose distasteful remarks earned her a swift exit from Playboy's creator platform. Yet, it seems Playboy wasn't alone in its sentiment.

Canadian broadcaster Todd Shapiro wasted no time in calling out Mia’s insensitivity. In an assertive post on X (the successor to Twitter), Shapiro didn’t mince words. “This is such a horrendous tweet @miakhalifa. Consider yourself fired effective immediately. Simply disgusting. Beyond disgusting. Please evolve and become a better human being.” Shapiro's condemnation of Mia's words is clear: “The fact you are condoning death, rape, beatings, and hostage-taking is truly gross. No words can explain your ignorance. We need humans to come together, especially in the face of tragedy. I pray for you to become a better person. However, it clearly seems like it’s too late for you.”

Mia’s controversial post, which Shapiro referenced, not only sang praises for Hamas terrorists, calling them “freedom fighters in Palestine”, but also poked fun at the tragic situation by advising them on video formatting. Displaying an unapologetic stance, Mia responded, albeit not directly addressing Shapiro's post, asserting, “I’d say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I’m more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists. My bad.”


The sheer audacity of her words left many dumbfounded. As companies and individuals rally to promote unity and reject hateful rhetoric, one wonders if this is a turning point for public figures like Mia Khalifa. Will they finally grasp the weight of their platform and the responsibilities it brings, or continue down a path of recklessness? Only time will tell.

Mia Khalifa Strikes Back, But Is Anyone Listening?

Just when you'd think the waters would settle, they roiled again, courtesy of Mia Khalifa. Following her dismissal, she took a sly dig, presumably at Shapiro’s company, labeling it as “sh*tty”. Mia pompously remarked, That’s the most press you’ll ever get out of me for your shitty little company. You quite literally couldn’t pay me to post about it publicly before because I thought it was so bad. It’s FREE PALESTINE until Palestine is FREE. Such retorts often seem like a desperate attempt to shift the spotlight, but the underlying sentiment remains clear.

The backlash was quick and immense. In a likely bid to douse the flames, Mia tried to "clarify" her stance. She framed her earlier comments as an attempt to ensure there's "4K footage of her people" confronting the challenges of what she termed an “open-air prison”. Disturbingly, she remained steadfast in her narrative, insisting that her call for “4K footage” was, in no way, promoting or glamorizing violence. She continued to refer to them as “freedom fighters”.


To provide context, Mia Khalifa hails from Lebanon, a nation with a significant pro-Hamas stance. This is exemplified by the Shia Islamist terrorist faction Hezbollah from her homeland, which has not shied away from voicing its intent to aid Hamas in its aggression against Israel. One can't help but ponder: where does personal responsibility end and national inclinations begin? In a time when peace and unity are paramount, such provocative stances from public figures only further deepen the divide.

Even as celebrities like Mia Khalifa attempt to romanticize terrorist factions, the global political landscape is taking a distinctly different, and might we add, a more responsible turn. In a firm stance that many view as commendable, Israel issued an unambiguous warning to Hezbollah: steer clear from IDF (Israel Defense Forces) or brace for the repercussions. The US, asserting its commitment to regional stability, mirrored this sentiment, cautioning the Lebanese extremist group against igniting a new conflict front with Israel. The global message seems clear: hostile provocations will be met with resolute retaliation.

Amidst this charged atmosphere, Mia Khalifa's antics stand out, but for all the wrong reasons. Since the onset of Hamas' aggression on Israeli soil, Khalifa has been distressingly vocal. On 7th October, she audaciously proclaimed on X, asserting that "whoever is not on Palestine’s side is on the wrong side of history."


But it's her subsequent post that truly rattled the cages. In what many deem as a brazen and irresponsible move, she called upon terrorists to chronicle their heinous acts in a “horizontal” format. This overt glamorization of violence and conflict wasn't just distasteful, it garnered severe backlash, most notably from her then-employers. One must ask: At what point does the voice of personal conviction cross into the realm of recklessness?


The public discourse surrounding Mia Khalifa, both recently and historically, remains laced with a mix of derision and disbelief. X users, in a twist of satirical genius, astutely noted that, given her past dalliances in the adult entertainment industry, the only Middle Eastern enclave where Mia might find genuine acceptance would, ironically, be Israel. As Rita Panahi caustically penned, "My people”. You silly simpleton. You’d never survive in Gaza. In fact, the only place in the Middle East a woman like you is afforded full rights is Israel. That must be hard to swallow.

However, Mia's curious history of wading into controversial waters isn't merely confined to the Middle East. Rewind to 2021, and you'd find this former porn sensation embroiling herself in the thorny realms of India's domestic issues. Given her Lebanese origins, one might, begrudgingly, comprehend her misplaced allegiance to Hamas. Yet, why she thought it prudent to comment on India's internal affairs remains anyone's guess.

Back in February 2021, she took it upon herself to voice support for India's farmer protests, musing aloud, What in the human rights violations is going on? They cut the internet around New Delhi? #FarmersProtest. To add to this unsolicited intervention, she even shared an image from the protests, highlighting a sign that read, Stop Killing farmers, on X.

Navigating the maze of geopolitics requires nuance, understanding, and a measure of restraint. Regrettably, Mia Khalifa's approach appears to be more an exercise in garnering attention than a genuine concern for global events. As she continues her unwarranted tirades against Israel while simultaneously supporting entities like Hamas, one must ponder the wisdom and intent behind her public outbursts. As the old adage goes: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

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