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"माँ": Pushpa defies Dr Akram & Rahman's heartless scheme of selling her newborn to Nisar by lying that the child died, mother's intuition conquers deceit, unraveling the darkness veiled behind the trusted hands of those meant to heal; hospital sealed

Initially everyone including the baby's father and police believed the doctors that the child had died, but due to persistence of the mother believing that her child was alive, police launched probe and recovered baby, and arrested the accused docors
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​Uttar Pradesh: Doctors Akram Jamal and Hifzur Rahman nabbed for selling newborn to Councillor Nisar by lying that the child had died, hospital sealed
​Uttar Pradesh: Doctors Akram Jamal and Hifzur Rahman nabbed for selling newborn to Councillor Nisar by lying that the child had died, hospital sealed

In a deeply distressing incident in Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh, two doctors, Dr. Akram Jamal and Dr. Hifzur Rahman, have been arrested for their alleged involvement in a heinous crime. The doctors are accused of falsely declaring a newborn baby dead and subsequently selling the infant. The shocking revelation comes to light after a month-long struggle by the child's mother, who has been relentlessly seeking justice for her child.


The accused doctors are believed to have deceived the mother by falsely claiming that her newborn had passed away. This heart-wrenching betrayal added to the emotional distress of the mother, who had no reason to doubt the medical professionals. The gravity of the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the doctors allegedly engaged in the unlawful sale of the newborn, an act that goes against the fundamental principles of medical ethics and human rights.

The police have taken swift action in response to the mother's persistent efforts to uncover the truth. Dr. Akram Jamal and Dr. Hifzur Rahman have been apprehended, and legal proceedings are expected to follow. The arrest of the doctors signals a commitment to holding those responsible for such reprehensible actions accountable for their crimes.

Moreover, in response to this egregious incident, the local administration has taken the decision to seal the hospital where this shocking act transpired. This administrative action serves as a stern message that institutions involved in such illegal and unethical practices will face severe consequences.

The case sheds light on the vulnerabilities within the healthcare system, emphasizing the need for stringent measures to prevent such abuses of trust. The emotional toll on the mother and the trauma inflicted on the newborn underscore the importance of a thorough investigation and justice for the victims of this appalling crime.

Pushpa Devi, the wife of Jai Jairam, underwent a harrowing experience at the Mission Hospital and Maternal Child Surgical Center in Pachpedwa on 29th October. Entrusting her well-being to medical professionals, she had no reason to suspect the grave betrayal that awaited her. Dr. Akram Jamal of the hospital and Dr. Hafizur Rahman of Siddharth Nagar were enlisted for an operation under the pretense of ensuring her health and the well-being of her unborn child.

In an appalling breach of trust, the very individuals sworn to uphold the sanctity of life allegedly engaged in a heinous act. Dr. Hifzur Rahman, entrusted with the operation, reportedly colluded with Dr. Akram Jamal to sell Pushpa Devi's newborn to Nisar, the councillor of Badhni Nagar Panchayat ward no 2. This betrayal took a toll on Pushpa Devi, who, in her most vulnerable state, was subjected to an unimaginable crime. The emotional trauma inflicted on her is immeasurable, as the individuals she believed were safeguarding her health turned out to be orchestrators of a heart-wrenching scheme.

The story takes an even more distressing turn when Pushpa Devi, upon regaining consciousness, was informed that her precious child had not survived. This devastating news shattered a mother's heart, plunging her into unimaginable grief. However, the strength of a mother's intuition cannot be underestimated. Despite the grim pronouncement, Pushpa Devi clung to a belief, an unshakable conviction that her child was still alive. This deep-seated intuition became the driving force behind her month-long struggle to uncover the truth.

The emotional journey of Pushpa Devi is one marked by resilience and the unyielding love of a mother. Faced with the unimaginable loss of her child, she exhibited a courage that transcends words. The inexplicable bond between a mother and her child fueled her determination to seek justice. Her unrelenting pursuit of the hospital, demanding the return of her child, speaks volumes about the strength that mothers carry within, a force that can withstand even the darkest betrayals.

Copy of the FIR

The emotional turmoil that gripped Pushpa Devi is profoundly evident in the relentless pursuit of truth she embarked upon. Despite efforts from her husband to console her and the apparent belief of those around her that she was in a state of shock, Pushpa Devi clung to an unwavering conviction—the belief that her child was alive. For an entire month, every day bore witness to her unwavering demand for the return of her child. The hospital corridors echoed with a mother's plea, a plea that seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Her husband, witnessing her anguish, attempted to assuage her pain, attempting to make sense of the incomprehensible grief that had befallen them. Yet, Pushpa Devi's daily pilgrimage to the hospital, driven by an unyielding maternal instinct, painted a poignant picture of a mother's love that refuses to be silenced. It was a testament to the extraordinary strength that grief-stricken mothers can summon, a strength that defies logic and transcends the ordinary bounds of human endurance.

The turning point in this agonizing saga arrived when Pushpa Devi's husband, recognizing the gravity of the situation, sought justice. The doors of the Pachpedwa police station became the threshold of hope for a mother seeking the truth. Filing a formal complaint, he implored the authorities to delve into the heart of the matter, to uncover the reality that had been concealed behind the veil of deceit. The police, initially grappling with the challenge of comprehending the extent of Pushpa Devi's grief, soon realized that her unwavering confidence held the key to unravelling a sinister plot.

The police, motivated by Pushpa Devi's unshakable belief and her relentless pursuit of justice, embarked on an investigation. The truth, hidden beneath layers of deception, gradually came to light. It was a triumph of a mother's resilience, an indomitable spirit that refused to accept the narrative of loss imposed upon her. Pushpa Devi's intuition, her maternal instinct, not only defied skepticism but also paved the way for justice to prevail.

Inspector-in-charge Awadhesh Raj Singh, initially confronted with what might have seemed like a grieving mother's refusal to accept the harsh reality, experienced a transformation in perspective. The relentless determination exhibited by Pushpa Devi, which initially appeared as an inability to embrace the truth, soon emerged as the driving force behind the pursuit of justice. It was this unwavering persistence that prompted the law enforcement to reevaluate their stance and launch a comprehensive investigation into the matter. The tipping point arrived with a crucial tip-off suggesting the possibility that the child had been sold, adding a layer of intrigue to an already heart-wrenching tale.

As the police delved deeper into the investigation, the shocking truth unraveled before them. Pushpa Devi, contrary to what she had been told, had indeed given birth to a healthy baby. The two doctors, Akram Jamal and Hifzur Rahman, entrusted with the sacred duty of preserving life, callously betrayed this trust. Instead of celebrating the arrival of a new life, they callously handed the newborn to councillor Nisar, callously fabricating a heart-wrenching lie to deceive Pushpa Devi. The emotional trauma inflicted on a mother, who had hoped to cradle her newborn in her arms, is unimaginable.

The subsequent arrest of the doctors, perpetrators of this heinous act, marked a moment of reckoning. The wheels of justice, set in motion by the indomitable spirit of Pushpa Devi, turned decisively. The perpetrators, stripped of their veneer of medical responsibility, found themselves behind bars. However, amidst the shadows of betrayal and deceit, a glimmer of hope emerged—the child, forcibly separated from its mother, was recovered from Nisar's residence. In a poignant reunion, the child was returned to the family, a beacon of light amid the darkness of an appalling incident. The arrest of the wrongdoers and the reunion of mother and child became a testament to the triumph of justice over deception, with Pushpa Devi's intuition standing as an unwavering force against the sinister machinations that sought to exploit a mother's love.

The nursing home where the incident took place (India TV)

The arrested accused attempted to provide a feeble justification for their egregious actions, asserting that Nisar, the councillor, lacked a child, prompting them to hand over Pushpa Devi's newborn without any financial transaction. The veracity of this claim, however, remains unconfirmed, leaving the investigation to navigate through intricate layers that might involve a sinister web of child trafficking. The unfolding narrative reveals the potential involvement of a much larger criminal network preying on the vulnerability of innocent lives.

In a shocking twist to the tale, the councillor, identified as the recipient of the stolen child, has reportedly fled to Nepal, evading the pursuit of justice. This escape raises alarming questions about potential collusion or deeper ties that could compromise the thoroughness of the investigation. Authorities are now engaged in a race against time to locate and apprehend the councillor, underscoring the urgency of ensuring that those responsible face the consequences of their actions.

Consequent to these distressing revelations, the health department took decisive action by sealing the Mission Hospital and Maternal Child Surgical Center in Pachpedwa. The removal of the hospital board, a symbol of trust and care, serves as a stark visual representation of the breach of that trust. The administration's acknowledgment that the hospital was operating illegally further compounds the gravity of the situation. The very institution entrusted with safeguarding the miracle of life has been exposed as a breeding ground for exploitation and criminal activities.

In the midst of this somber landscape, a beacon of triumph emerges as Pushpa Devi, against all odds, achieves a semblance of justice. Her unyielding pursuit of truth and justice, coupled with the dedicated efforts of law enforcement, led to the arrest of the culpable doctors and the recovery of her precious child. This victory, though bittersweet in the face of the larger systemic failures exposed, stands as a testament to the strength of a mother's love and the resilience of the human spirit against unimaginable adversity.

The culmination of this harrowing saga unveils an even darker underbelly of malpractice as officials, in the process of raiding the implicated hospital, stumbled upon yet another establishment operating illicitly in the vicinity. The shocking discovery reinforces the depth of systemic issues plaguing the healthcare infrastructure in the region. The closure of this additional clandestine facility underscores the pervasive nature of the problem, demanding a comprehensive overhaul of regulatory mechanisms to prevent the unchecked exploitation of vulnerable individuals.

Amidst the crackdown on these rogue medical facilities, Pushpa Devi's tenacity emerges as a beacon of hope. Her relentless pursuit of justice and truth, despite the disheartening deceit initially thrust upon her, signifies a triumph of the human spirit. The emotional toll exacted on Pushpa Devi throughout this ordeal is immeasurable, as she navigated the labyrinth of deception, grappling with the unfathomable reality that her newborn had been callously taken from her. In the face of such adversity, her unwavering determination becomes a poignant narrative of a mother's love transcending the darkest corners of human malevolence.

The closure of the clandestine hospital is a symbolic victory, not just for Pushpa Devi but for every individual who entrusts their well-being to the healthcare system. It marks a crucial step towards rectifying the grave violations of trust and integrity that have been exposed. However, the scars left by this traumatic episode will linger, serving as a stark reminder of the urgent need for systemic reforms. The emotional turbulence experienced by Pushpa Devi, from the depths of despair to the eventual recovery of her child, encapsulates the resilience inherent in the human spirit and underscores the imperative for societal and institutional changes to prevent such heinous transgressions in the future.

In the end, Pushpa Devi's victory, though marred by the shadows of a broken system, serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the indomitable strength of a mother's love. It is a clarion call for a collective commitment to overhaul the structures that allowed such atrocities to unfold, ensuring that no parent has to endure the anguish of having their newborn stolen and sold under the guise of medical care.

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