Purification - Understanding Islam through Hadis - Religious Faith or Fanaticism
| Satyaagrah | Ram Swarup
Book of Purification deals with such matters as ablution, defecation, and abstersion. It relates not to inner purity but to certain acts of cleanliness, physical and ritualistic, that must be performed before reciting the statutory daily prayers.
Revival of Universal Spirituality - Defence of Hindu Society
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
Ram Swarup has drawn our attention to this eclipse of the ancient Gods of many people after those people were forcibly converted to Christianity or Islam, and their temples were destroyed or converted into churches or mosques
Plea for a Perspective: The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
The record leaves no doubt that the medieval period under Muslim rule was a period of continuous conflict between Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus were patriots fighting for the freedom of their ancient homeland and the preservation of their cultural patrimony.
The Basis of Universal Spirituality - Defence of Hindu Society
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
There is a consciousness, inherent in all beings, everywhere and at all times, which, when reached and brought forward, witnesses the world-play as a drama of divine forms and forces
Hindu Spirituality Versus Monotheism - Defence of Hindu Society
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
History is witness that Christianity as well as Islam have always expanded by the power of the sword, and seldom by power of any truth contained in their scriptures. In the words of Iqbal again, Par tire nãm pê talwãr uThãî kisnê ? Kãt kar rakh diyê kuffãr kê lashkar kisnê
Iman - Understanding Islam through Hadis - Religious Faith or Fanaticism
| Satyaagrah | Ram Swarup
You curse too much and are ungrateful to your spouses. I have seen none lacking in common sense and failing in religion but robbing the wisdom of the wise
The Spiritual Centre of Hindu Society - Defence of Hindu Society
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
It was the still surviving awareness of its spiritual center that steeled Hindu society to witness the sacrifice by the fire of hundreds of thousands of its daughters who cherished their chastity above every allurement offered by the Islamic marauders
Introduction - Understanding Islam through Hadis - Religious Faith or Fanaticism
| Satyaagrah | Ram Swarup
Muslim theologians make no distinction between the Quran and the hadiths. To them, both are works of revelation or inspiration. The quality and degree of the revelation in both works are the same; only the mode of expression is different
A Pilgrim to the Soviet Paradise - Genesis and Growth of Nehruism Vol 1
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
a country which has many points of contact with ours and which has launched one of the mightiest experiments in history. All the world is watching her, some with fear and hatred, and others with a passionate hope and longing to follow in her path
Sanãtana Dharma Versus Prophetic Creeds - Defence of Hindu Society
| Satyaagrah | Sita Ram Goel
The very concept of a historical saviour or prophet is foreign to Sanãtana Dharma. We do not concede the monopoly of spiritual truth or moral virtue to any historical person, howsoever great or highly honoured