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"गुनाह क्या है": Chhattisgarh national gymnasts returning from Delhi had a grim journey seated beside a dirty train toilet, a stark contrast to cricket's opulence, highlighting neglected state of many Indian sports & the urgent need for equitable support

The bathroom and wash basin were badly dirty. There was a bad smell coming from here, but these players had to complete their journey in the terrible cold by sitting on the cold floor and near the toilet
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Sports
Chhattisgarh’s Gymnastics Players Return from Delhi, Endure Journey Next to Train's Dirty Toilet
Chhattisgarh’s Gymnastics Players Return from Delhi, Endure Journey Next to Train's Dirty Toilet

From Raipur: The current tussle between wrestling players and the Indian Wrestling Association has been capturing national attention. Amidst this, another incident related to sports in India has emerged, shedding light on a deeper systemic issue that hinders the country's success in international arenas like the Olympics.

Recently, gymnastics players from Chhattisgarh faced an unfortunate and discomforting situation while returning from Delhi. The athletes, who should have been recognized for their talents and contributions, found themselves in a less-than-dignified scenario. They had to complete their train journey sitting near a dirty toilet. This incident is not just about the discomfort they endured but also reflects the lack of adequate support and respect for athletes in certain sports disciplines in India.

Such incidents highlight the challenges and struggles athletes face beyond their sports arenas. It raises critical questions about the infrastructure and support systems provided to sports personalities, especially those from less popular sports. The contrast between their dedication and the treatment they receive during travel is a stark reminder of the systemic gaps in the sporting ecosystem.

In a recent revelation, a video has circulated, prompting a question: Why is India lagging in many sports disciplines? The video starkly contrasts the elevated status of cricket and its players in India with the neglect faced by other sports. It underscores a harsh reality where athletes of less popular sports, often overlooked and underfunded, struggle with basic necessities like proper travel arrangements.

This scenario reflects the broader challenges faced by many sports in India, gymnastics players from Chhattisgarh recently endured an arduous journey to a national competition in Delhi. The hardships they faced highlight the discrepancies in support and recognition between popular sports like cricket and others that struggle for basic resources and attention.

These gymnasts, representing their state on a national platform, were compelled to spend an entire night in extremely uncomfortable conditions. Their journey, which should have been a moment of pride and anticipation for the competition, turned into a test of endurance. "The gymnastics players who went to Delhi to represent Chhattisgarh at the national level had to travel the whole night sitting in front of the bathroom and wash basin." This situation not only speaks volumes about the lack of proper planning and provision for their travel but also shows a disregard for their well-being and dignity.

Compounding their discomfort, "the bathroom and wash basin were badly dirty. There was a bad smell coming from here, but these players had to complete their journey in the terrible cold by sitting on the cold floor and near the toilet." The players were subjected to unhygienic conditions, forced to bear the stench and filth for over 18 hours. This experience was far from what national-level athletes deserve; it was demeaning and could have been easily avoided with proper care and attention.

A video capturing this unfortunate journey has gone viral, bringing to light the plight these athletes faced. The video's circulation raises awareness about the often overlooked and underfunded state of many sports in India. "It is being told that ticket reservation was not done on time, due to which the players had to travel for more than 18 hours by sitting in front of the bathroom and wash basin of Chhattisgarh Sampark Kranti." This failure in logistics, a basic aspect of sports administration, reflects a systemic issue that needs immediate attention and rectification.

Chhattisgarh’s 51 Athletes Face Travel Ordeal After National Competition in Delhi

In a recent event underscoring the challenges faced by athletes in India, a substantial team of 51 players from Chhattisgarh encountered a troubling situation while returning from a national gymnastics competition. These athletes had traveled to Delhi to participate in the prestigious 67th National School Sports Competition, held from 18th to 23rd December. Their journey to Delhi represented a significant moment, as they were set to showcase their skills and compete at a national level.

Among this contingent were 13 gymnastics players from the Gaurela Pendra Marwahi district, alongside others from various districts of Chhattisgarh. This team of 51 players was to return to Chhattisgarh on December 22 by Sampark Kranti Express.

The return journey was planned for a specific date, indicating a structured schedule for the participants. The participation of such a large and diverse group from Chhattisgarh was a source of pride for the state, particularly for districts like Gaurela Pendra Marwahi, known for nurturing sporting talent.

However, this pride was soon overshadowed by administrative lapses. The reservation of all 51 players and students participating in the National School Sports Competition was to be done on time, but it will be called a big negligence of the sports department and administration that the calendar of the players was not released. 

Despite the importance of the event and the number of participants involved, the necessary travel reservations were not made in advance. This oversight by the sports department and administration led to a significant inconvenience for the athletes, highlighting a gap in the logistical support provided to them.

Despite this, reservation of these players was not done in advance, and further emphasizes the lack of foresight and preparation from the responsible authorities. The failure to secure timely reservations for the team not only reflects a lack of organization but also a disregard for the athletes' welfare and comfort. Such incidents raise questions about the commitment to supporting sports beyond the mainstream and spotlight the need for more attentive and respectful treatment of athletes representing various disciplines at national levels.


Chhattisgarh Gymnasts Endure Harsh Train Journey Home

The Chhattisgarh gymnastics team, including their coach, faced a challenging ordeal on their train journey back from Delhi. Their predicament was a direct result of a critical lapse in the reservation process. Due to which the reservation of any player including the coach could not be confirmed, as a result the national players had to sit on the floor of the train and make the return journey. This situation highlights a stark neglect of these national athletes, who, instead of being accorded basic travel amenities, were left to endure uncomfortable and undignified conditions.

Compounding their plight was the absence of their team manager, who had the responsibility to ensure their safe travel. It is a matter of shame that the manager who was given the responsibility of taking these children safely to Delhi and back to Chhattisgarh, left the players in Delhi two days ago on December 20 and returned to her home in Pendra. This abandonment by the manager left the athletes to navigate their way home under challenging circumstances.

The journey was not only physically uncomfortable but also took a toll on their health. All the players kept traveling like this, shivering in the cold. When the players got down at Pendraroad railway station, they were coughing badly. The lack of proper seating near the train's toilet and the cold environment led to physical distress, as evidenced by their condition upon arrival.

The players' testimonies paint a bleak picture of their experience. She told that due to not getting the reservation, she could not sleep the whole night and had to travel the whole night sitting near the toilet where there was a lot of smell. This situation underscores not just the physical discomfort but also the neglect and disregard for their welfare.

When questioned about this ordeal, State Manager Seema David pointed fingers at the railway administration. When the entire matter was discussed with State Manager Seema David, she blamed the railway administration for not confirming the ticket. This shifting of blame does little to mitigate the fact that these national-level athletes were let down by those entrusted with their care. This incident is a glaring example of how sports, other than mainstream ones like cricket, often suffer due to administrative negligence in India. The lack of basic respect and care for these athletes is a matter of concern and calls for immediate rectification to ensure that the dignity and well-being of all sports personnel are upheld.

Striking Disparity: India's Sports Funding Dilemma from IPL's Glamour to Gymnasts' Grit

The striking contrast between the fortunes of different sports in India is epitomized in the recent experiences of Chhattisgarh’s gymnasts and the lavish spending witnessed at the IPL auction, as highlighted in Mr. Rahine Bose's insightful LinkedIn blog.

On one hand, we have 51 young gymnasts from Chhattisgarh, representing their state at the 67th National School Sports Competition in Delhi. Their journey was marred by logistical failures and negligence. They endured a return journey sitting on the cold, dirty floor of a train, beside an unhygienic wash basin and toilet, due to the unavailability of reserved seats. This ordeal not only exposed them to physical discomfort but also to health risks, as many were coughing badly by the end of their journey. The manager, responsible for their safety and well-being, had left them to fend for themselves.

In stark contrast, Mr. Bose's blog draws attention to the recent IPL auction, where a staggering INR 230 crores was spent on 72 players. The astronomical sums shelled out for individual cricketers like Mitchel Starc and Pat Cummings dwarf the government's sanctioned expense for the entire contingent at the Asian Games. The per-match, per-over, and even per-ball cost of these cricketers surpasses what is spent on other sports over several years.

The disparity in funding and attention is not just a matter of financial allocation but also reflects the differing levels of respect and support given to various sports. While cricket enjoys a prominent place in the Indian psyche, as evidenced by the continued investment and fanfare, other sports often struggle for basic necessities.

Despite the financial constraints, India's performance in sports other than cricket has been commendable. India has achieved significant success in events like the Asian Games, Olympics, and Commonwealth Games, notably in hockey, where the country has won multiple medals. These achievements were made possible by athletes and teams who often operate with a fraction of the resources available to their counterparts in cricket.

The contrast between the two scenarios prompts introspection on how sports are valued and supported in India. While the popularity of cricket is undeniable, there is a pressing need to adopt a more inclusive approach that recognizes and nurtures the potential across all sports disciplines. This includes ensuring fair and adequate support for all athletes, irrespective of the sport, to enable them to compete and excel at the highest levels.

This juxtaposition of lavish spending in cricket against the struggles faced by athletes in other disciplines raises important questions about our priorities as a sporting nation. It underscores the need for a balanced approach that celebrates and supports all sports, ensuring that every athlete receives the respect, support, and opportunities they deserve. Only then can we truly honor the spirit of sportsmanship and foster a diverse and vibrant sporting culture in India.


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