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 “Waiting. Like it or not, it’s a skill all spies have to master eventually”: Seema Haider Case: Cross-Border Love, how she got bail in 3 days by Magistrate Nazim Akbar and probe intensifies as ATS, IB swing Into action, Pakistani Bhabhi to be arrested?

She had been residing in the country without any valid documents for the past two months before authorities became aware of her presence earlier this month
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Anti-National
Pakistani Citizen Seema Haider, Her Lover, and His Father Questioned Again Over Alleged Links with ISI
Pakistani Citizen Seema Haider, Her Lover, and His Father Questioned Again Over Alleged Links with ISI

The Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of the Uttar Pradesh Police conducted another round of questioning on Tuesday involving Seema Haider, a Pakistani citizen, her lover Sachin Meena, and Sachin's father. This investigation aims to uncover any possible connections between Seema and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as well as the Pakistani Army.

The ATS, part of the Uttar Pradesh Police, summoned Seema Haider, Sachin Meena, and his father Netrapal Singh for questioning once again in Greater Noida. The ongoing questioning took place in Sector 58 of Noida. Seema, Sachin, and his father had previously been questioned by the ATS for nearly six hours on Monday.

Seema, who entered India illegally in May, is currently residing in Greater Noida with her Indian partner, Sachin Meena. Due to suspicions regarding her potential affiliations with the Pakistan Army and the country's intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Seema is under the radar of the ATS and the Intelligence Bureau (IB).

To gather more evidence, Seema Haider's mobile data, which was previously deleted, will be sent to a forensic laboratory. The mobile data holds significant importance as it could reveal crucial information regarding sensitive matters, given that Seema's uncle and brother are associated with the Pakistan Army.

Additionally, investigations are underway concerning Seema's entry into India without a valid visa. Her passport, Aadhar card, and other documents related to her children will also be thoroughly examined. 

Earlier this week, the UP ATS arrested a suspected ISI agent in Lucknow on charges of providing "vital information about defense establishments" to his handlers in Pakistan. The questioning of Seema comes at a time when a lesser-known right-wing fringe group in Greater Noida has issued a threat of protest if Haider is not deported from the country within 72 hours.

A senior police officer has confirmed that Seema, Sachin, and Netrapal Singh are being interrogated by the ATS, and the local police are not involved in the process.

A cross-border Love Story or a Pakistani Spy?

The extraordinary love story between Pakistani national Seema Haider and Indian citizen Sachin Meena has garnered attention and fascination.

Seema Haider, a Pakistani citizen, was apprehended by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) along with her partner Sachin Meena and his father Netrapal Singh on Monday.

This interrogation took place shortly after the arrest of a suspected agent of Pakistan's intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), in Lucknow on charges of providing crucial information about defense establishments.

Seema had been previously arrested for illegally entering India, accompanied by her four children, while Meena and his father were taken into custody for providing them shelter.

Seema Haider's unnoticed entry into India and her unconventional love affair have sparked intrigue among many. Here, we present you with detailed information about the couple's love story, which transcends the boundaries of their rival countries.

5 Key Points | Let's delve into the perplexing questions surrounding Seema Haider's case:

Pakistani Spy or Cross-Border Lover | According to reports, Seema Haider first connected with Sachin in 2019 while playing the online game PUBG. After almost four years, she managed to enter Indian territory with her four children. It sounds like a plot straight out of a Bollywood movie. The question arises: Did she cross the Indian border out of love alone, or does she have other motives? The recent arrest of a suspected ISI agent raises doubts about her true intentions.

How Did She Enter India | The 27-year-old Pakistani woman first met Sachin in Nepal in March this year. Two months later, she found her way into India. Reports suggest that she traveled from Pakistan to Dubai before reaching Nepal and subsequently crossing into India with a valid visa. However, the details of her entry into India with valid documents remain unclear. The UP ATS is currently investigating her travel route to uncover the truth.

Seema, accompanied by her children, allegedly left Pakistan and smuggled herself into India. Their first meeting took place in Nepal in March, and in May, Seema and her children arrived in Noida via Dubai and Nepal. Sachin received them, and they have been living in a rented apartment in the village of Rabupura, Greater Noida, approximately 55 km from New Delhi. The couple states that they are married and wish to remain together in India.

Is She a National Security Threat | Seema Haider, a Pakistani national, claims that she entered India out of love for Sachin. She has also professed her acceptance of Hinduism and has requested authorities to allow her to marry Sachin. Seema was initially arrested by local police on July 4 for illegally entering India, while Sachin was taken into custody for providing shelter to illegal immigrants. Seema lacks valid documents, and there is a possibility that she might be deceiving authorities, having entered India at the behest of the ISI. The entire matter is under investigation.

An FIR (First Information Report) has been filed at the Rabupura police station, invoking provisions of the Foreigners Act, the Passport (Entry into India) Act, as well as Sections 120B (party to criminal conspiracy) and 34 (act done by several people with common intention) of the Indian Penal Code. This has sparked a public debate, raising questions about how she managed to enter the country undetected. Concerns about potential national security threats are also being voiced.

Seema's estranged husband, Ghulam Haider, who works abroad in Saudi Arabia, desires to be reunited with his wife and children. He has appealed to Indian and Pakistani authorities for their safe return. Seema's decision to stay with Sachin, a Hindu, has angered her tribe in Pakistan. Seema's home in Pakistan is located in Bhittaiabad, a Katchi Abadi in Gulistan-e-Jauhar. It consists of a three-room portion in an unpainted building situated in a narrow lane filled with garbage and overflowing sewage.

How did Seema Haider exploit loopholes in India's security system | Authorities have yet to trace the exact travel route Seema took to enter India. She had been residing in the country without any valid documents for the past two months before authorities became aware of her presence earlier this month. During her illegal stay in India, Sachin and her parents provided assistance. It is imperative to thoroughly investigate how Seema and Sachin managed to conceal this matter for almost two months, exposing loopholes in India's security system.

Why has Pakistan not released an Official statement | Seema is a Pakistani national, yet there has been no official statement issued by Pakistan regarding this case. This silence has led to various speculations. In the meantime, several reports suggest that Pakistani intelligence agencies have informed the government that Seema entered India solely due to her love for Sachin. Furthermore, Seema's husband, Ghulam Haider, currently residing in Saudi Arabia, has appealed for her return to Pakistan, expressing his concerns for her and their children's safety during an interview with a Pakistani YouTuber.

The Seema Haider case remains shrouded in mystery and raises significant concerns about national security and cross-border relationships. As investigations continue, we await further clarity on the circumstances surrounding her entry into India and her true intentions.

Why was Seema Haider released so quickly? Questions surrounding the judicial process

The release of Seema Haider within just three days has raised eyebrows and led to questions about the judicial process. The case was presented before Judicial Magistrate Nazim Akbar, who granted bail to Seema Haider, Sachin, and Netrapal based on two local sureties totaling Rs 30,000 each.

The conditions of bail, as per available information, include restrictions on leaving the country or changing the current address without authorization, as well as a commitment to refrain from future criminal activities.

During our investigation, it came to light that the person acting as a bailiff for Seema Haider has a close relationship with her boyfriend, Sachin Meena. Moreover, it has been revealed that Magistrate Nazim Akbar did not seek a counter opinion from the police before granting bail to Seema Haider. Additionally, the police did not verify the sureties before the accused individuals were released.

Looking at the First Information Report (FIR) filed in Seema Haider's case, we can see that the police themselves are the complainants. The FIR identifies SHO Rabupura Inspector Sudhir Kumar as the plaintiff. The latest information suggests that the case has now been transferred to the Jewar police station, and the SHO has been assigned to conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation.

To present the case in court, a female constable has been assigned. Higher officials and the Uttar Pradesh government have been kept informed of all the developments since the case's inception.

The swift release of Seema Haider has raised suspicions and concerns about the transparency and fairness of the judicial process. It remains to be seen how the investigation unfolds and whether all parties involved will receive a fair trial. The handling of this case is closely watched by authorities and the public alike, as it has significant implications for justice and the credibility of the legal system.

Seema Haider vs. Nigerians living illegally: a comparative analysis

When we compare the case of Seema Haider with other similar instances, a stark difference becomes evident. On June 3, twenty-three foreign nationals, including eight Nigerian women, were arrested in Uttar Pradesh's Gautam Buddh Nagar district for allegedly residing illegally in India. These individuals were Nigerian citizens who were living without proper documentation in Noida.

All of these Nigerian nationals were subjected to the same provisions of Section 14 of the Foreigners Act of 1946, just like Seema Haider. Additionally, they were charged under Section 7 of the Criminal Act, as well as IPC Sections 332, 353, and 147. In Seema Haider's case, she was also charged with conspiracy under Section 120B of the Foreigners Act.

It is worth noting that the Nigerian detainees were held for nearly one and a half months. The lower court summoned the investigating officer for their bail hearings. However, in Seema Haider's case, Magistrate Nazim Akbar granted her bail within just three days, without summoning the police to appear before the court.

Under Section 41(1)(a), a person can be arrested if they commit a cognizable offense in the presence of the police. The extent of punishment does not factor into the arrest decision. However, in the case of the Nigerians, Section 332 of the Indian Penal Code (voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from their duty) was invoked, indicating that the police may have been assaulted. Since Section 332 is a non-bailable offense, the Nigerians remain in jail.

OpIndia reached out to Supreme Court attorney Prashant Patel for legal insights. He explained that while it is the police's responsibility to bring an accused person before the court, the ultimate decision of granting freedom or imprisonment lies with the court.

Retired Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs) from the Uttar Pradesh Police, Vivekanand Tiwari and Avneesh Gautam, also provided their perspectives on the Seema Haider case.

Vivekanand Tiwari expressed the view that until a permanent solution is reached at the government level, it is not in the country's best interest for Seema Haider to roam freely. He suggested that the police should challenge the bail granted to Seema Haider in a higher court. Regarding Seema Haider's marriage in Nepal, Vivekanand Tiwari emphasized the need for heightened vigilance by the police intelligence department.

Former DSP Avneesh Gautam stressed the importance of strengthening India's Foreigners Act, describing it as currently very weak. He also suggested that in such cases, the government must consider one of two options. The first option is to repatriate Seema Haider to her country, and if that is not feasible, the second option is to grant her Indian citizenship.

The contrasting treatment between Seema Haider and the Nigerian nationals raises suspicions and concerns about the fairness and consistency of the judicial process. It underscores the need for a closer examination of the existing laws and their application in cases involving illegal residents. The decision regarding Seema Haider's future in India warrants careful consideration to safeguard national interests and maintain the integrity of the legal system.

A look back at Chanda Khan's illegal entry

Interestingly, this is not the first instance of a Pakistani woman successfully sneaking into India. In 2015, Chanda Khan managed to travel over 100 kilometers into India on the heavily scrutinized Samjhauta Express, a train that has been suspended since the revocation of Section 370 from Kashmir in 2019.

Chanda Khan, also known as Fauzia, crossed the Attari border on the Samjhauta Express and traveled to Jalandhar in Punjab without a ticket or passport before being apprehended.

According to security agencies, Chanda Khan claimed after her arrest that she had come to India to visit Dargahs (Islamic shrines) and meet actors Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. She could converse in Punjabi, Urdu, and Hindi and professed to be a resident of Karachi.

On July 30, 2015, Chanda Khan, then 27 years old, boarded the train from Wagah station in Pakistan. She carried a bag containing medicines and Pakistani currency but lacked a passport or visa.

The particular Samjhauta Express journey was significant as it was the first to return with passengers from Pakistan following a terrorist attack on the Dinnanagar police station in Gurdaspur district, Punjab, on July 27, 2015. The attack resulted in the deaths of four civilians, three policemen, and three terrorists. This incident heightened tensions between India and Pakistan.

Chanda Khan managed to reach Attari, where all passengers undergo customs and immigration clearance before proceeding towards Delhi. However, she somehow evaded the formalities and continued her journey on the train. Authorities never clarified how she bypassed the checks at the Attari station.

Only when the train reached Jalandhar did Chanda Khan come under scrutiny. Around 10 pm, she was de-boarded at Jalandhar station when she failed to produce a ticket, passport, or any other relevant documents. The Railways Protection Force had requested a special stoppage from the Ferozepur division to deboard her at Jalandhar, where she was arrested by the Government Railway Police. The Samjhauta Express did not typically halt at Jalandhar.

Following her arrest, the Pakistan High Commission approached the Ministry of External Affairs to gather details about Chanda Khan.

Due to the absence of separate barracks for women in custody, Chanda Khan was kept in a wireless room at the Ground Railways Police station in Amritsar during her police remand.

Chanda Khan was eventually sentenced to two years imprisonment and was repatriated to Pakistan in 2018 after serving her sentence.

"Chanda Khan was sentenced to two years. She was released and sent back to Pakistan via the Attari-Wagah road link in 2018," revealed Navjot Kaur Chabba, a human rights activist and lawyer who closely monitors cases involving Pakistani prisoners in Amritsar.

The cases of Seema Haider and Chanda Khan highlight the challenges faced by authorities in securing borders and preventing unauthorized entries. These incidents serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and robust border control measures to maintain national security.

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