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Dec 18, 2021
The general recommendation is summed up in a single sentence 'over-glorification of the country's past is forbidden.' The specific instance is also provided immediately 'the Gupta Age can no longer be referred to as the golden period of Hinduism.'
Some of the guidelines seem to be good. It is eminently desirable that 'the ancient period of Indian history cannot be referred to as the Hindu period and the medieval period as the Muslim period'. It follows, though it is not mentioned in the guidelines reported by the Indian Express, that the modern period of Indian history also will not be named as the British period. This scheme of periodization, however, was given up by most historians quite some time ago. One only wonders what the votaries of Islamic imperialism will do without a Muslim period of Indian history.

Dec 18, 2021
It is in the living memory of this ruling class that Islamic imperialism became a blood-thirsty monster, and carved out large limbs of the motherland on our East and West.
Comrade Radek, whom Stalin liquidated in the late 'thirties, was a Communist intellectual endowed with acid humour. He coined many jokes at the cost of the Communist Party and the Soviet State. One of these jokes which did the rounds in Moscow was as follows:

Dec 17, 2021
"What is the reason behind the increased marriage age? We will not welcome this action until proper reason is known," said Sufiyan Nizami
On Friday (December 17), the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) submitted an adjournment notice in the parliament after the Union Cabinet gave a nod to increasing the minimum marriageable age of women from 18 years to 21 years.

Dec 17, 2021
Former NDTV anchor Nidhi Razdan has shared a long statement on the NDTV website regarding her ‘ordeal’ when she thought she has been hired as a professor at Harvard to teach journalism. On December 16, New York Times had shared a long ‘investigative’ article detailing how she fell for the elaborate scam and went around for a year believing that she is a Harvard professor.

Dec 17, 2021
Shivraj Patil, suggested to Rao’s youngest son, Prabhakara, that ‘the body should be cremated in Hyderabad’. But the family preferred Delhi
The corpse was clad in white dhoti and golden silk kurta.1 At 2.30 p.m., it was brought from Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences to 9 Motilal Nehru Marg. PV Narasimha Rao, prime minister of India from 1991 to 1996, had died at around 11 a.m., 23 December 2004. The doctors had needed a couple of hours to dress the body before sending it back home.

Dec 17, 2021
Angry parents vented their spleen during a California school board meeting where they alleged teachers in a district tried to clandestinely coach students into believing they are transgender. The parents alleged that teachers went behind their back to coax impressionable children into adopting transgender identity.

Dec 17, 2021
Hindu has now been demonised to such an extent that if an atrocity happens on a Hindu community or a Hindu person, it then becomes a non-issue.
The trajectory of the recent incidents that have been taking place in quick succession since Rashmi Samant of Oxford University made it to the news, what we see is an escalated attempt to victimise and demonise the Hindus and their identity. Be it Deepawali firecracker ban or the entire Jashn-e-Riwaz episode of FabIndia, the hatred for Hindu symbols, Hindus and everything that is related to Hindu has been both subtle and open.

Dec 17, 2021
Etymologically the word “halal” means permissible. Now that itself leaves us with three basic questions. First, permissible to whom? Second, permissible by what standards? Third, who has the authority to judge that permissibility?
Halal economy is the new term to describe the convergence of Halal industry and Islamic finance which comes from one source- Islam. Muslim consumerism is valued at an astounding 2.1 trillion USD and the numbers are expected to grow. By the year 2050 global population of Muslims will increase from a current 1.8 billion to 2.8 billion. Halal has been accepted global as a product of hygiene, quality, pure, safety and clean.

Dec 17, 2021
Indira Gandhi never cared where the money came from. She was just interested in getting more and more for running the Party
In 2005, an otherwise dry academic book called The Mitrokhin Archive, about the activities of the KGB in Third World countries, created an unlikely political uproar in India. One might wonder what could have possibly piqued the interest of an ordinary Indian politician in the activities of the secret agency of a faraway country of a bygone era. The answer is very interesting.