Aug 11, 2022
"Worldly life is short, so turn to Allah before you return to Allah": Hate-mongering maulana Tauqeer Raza held a massive rally and openly asks PM and all Hindus to convert to Islam, claims universal adoption of Islam is the only way to ‘world peace’
A cleric of an alleged ‘minority’ religion openly asking the PM of the Hindu homeland, Bharat, to convert to Islam could be expected to create a stir in any normal nation. But then, modern-day India is anything but normal. We are an outlier on the world stage, the only country of its size which is hostile to the religion, civilizational ethos, and way of life of its majority population.
Aug 10, 2022
"Trust dies but mistrust blossoms": PowerPoint to Potatoes, why Bill Gates buying so much land, billionaire owns majority of US farmland, 895+ million acres of farmland in the country, so miraculously he actually has less than 1% of the country’s total
In late June, the North Dakota Attorney General approved the purchase of 2,100 acres of farmland by a company tied to Bill Gates. Red River Trust bought it from potato growers Campbell Farms for about $13.5 million. According to legal documents obtained by FOX Business, the sale was made last November.
Aug 10, 2022
"What can a soldier do when mercy is treason, and he is alone in it?": Chinese troops abducted and killed a selfless Indian Army medic who saved lives of several wounded Chinese soldiers in Galwan clashes, had saved 30+ Indian soldiers lives too
Two years after a savage brawl between Indian and Chinese soldiers put Ladakh’s secluded Galwan Valley in a global spotlight, a new book has revealed details about the fighting -- thus far shrouded in secrecy -- by stringing together first-person accounts of what happened that fateful June night.
Aug 10, 2022
"When you face a crisis, you know who your true friends are": Millions of UK homes already in debt over their energy bills with £1.3 billion owed to energy suppliers, even before winter bill hikes set in, even before bills are set to soar by more than 80%
Millions of UK homes are already in debt over their energy bills - with £1.3 billion owed, even before bills are set to soar by more than 80%.
Aug 10, 2022
"Vision looks upward and becomes faith": Pavagadh Shakti Peeth redeveloped and reclaimed after shifting dargah built atop it, 'shikhar dhwaj’ after 500 years symbolizes that centuries pass by, generations go by, but faith remains unshakeable
India is a continuing Civilization that was viciously attacked and plundered many times by the abhorrent Islamic invaders. The barbarians made a living hell hole and forcefully converted millions of Hindus. In these attacks, thousands of Mandirs were destroyed to subdue the morale of the Hindu community. These Mandirs hold special significance in the hearts of Hindus.
Aug 10, 2022
"To defend the Prophet is, indeed, a service to humanity and nobility too": Muslim migrant Sunni says he murd3r3d Greek girl because she disparaged the Qur’an, any jury in Pakistan would acquit him on those grounds, but will that fly in diverse Greece
"To defend the Prophet is, indeed, a service to humanity and nobility too": Muslim migrant Sunni says he murd3r3d Greek girl because she disparaged the Qur’an, any jury in Pakistan would acquit him on those grounds, but will that fly in diverse Greece
Any jury in Pakistan would acquit him on those grounds, but will that fly in the new, multicultural, diverse Greece? Maybe not quite yet.
Aug 10, 2022
“We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield, ever, ever, ever”: Defiant Donald Trump releases dramatic Political Video 'The Thunder Rolls' after FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, he lists the failures of President Joe Biden leading a “nation in decline”
A defiant President Donald Trump relinquished an incipient political video early Tuesday morning after the FBI raided his domicile at Mar-a-Lago. The video (watch above) begins with rolling thunder as the former president lists the failures of PresidentJoe Biden leading a “nation in decline.”
Aug 10, 2022
"If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life": Wait of seven and half decades it took for a 92-year-old Sikh man to reunite with his surviving nephew Mohan Singh-turned-Afzal Khaliq in Pakistan, had lost 22 family members to Partition
After seven and half decades, Sarwan Singh, 92, a resident of Bahaudinpur village in Jalandhar district, and his nephew, Mohan Singh who is now Afzal Khaliq spent time together. Mohan Singh brought homemade ladoos for his uncle. Both were short of words to express their pleasure. Their eyes got teary when they hugged.
Aug 9, 2022
"Fraud includes the pretense of knowledge when knowledge there is none": Nitish Kumar resigns as Chief Minister of Bihar breaking the alliance with BJP, and now with Tejashvi Yadav staking claim to form Govt in Bihar, say has support of 7 parties
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar resigned on Tuesday breaking his alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).