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"Their sacrifice is constant; our support should be too": As Agniveer Amritpal Singh's suicide sends shockwaves, Army's adherence to protocols becomes a hotbed for controversy, vultures circle, exploiting grief, sowing discord in a time of global tension

In these trying times, it's imperative to stand united with our armed forces
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Standing Firm with the Indian Army Amidst Unfounded Speculations
Standing Firm with the Indian Army Amidst Unfounded Speculations

In a somber revelation, the Army confirmed on Sunday that Agniveer Amritpal Singh took the tragic step of ending his own life while on sentry duty. 

In recent events, the Indian Army confirmed that Agniveer Amritpal Singh tragically took his own life while on sentry duty. In accordance with established protocols, military honours were not extended at his funeral, given that self-inflicted injuries do not qualify for such honours. This decision by the Army is rooted in age-old customs that have been followed diligently over the years.

However, in an age where misinformation spreads rapidly, speculations arose, suggesting that Singh, being an Agniveer soldier, was denied military honours due to his association with the Agnipath scheme. Such baseless allegations do a disservice not only to the integrity of the Indian Army but also to the memory of a soldier who served his nation. The Army, in its unwavering commitment to fairness, clarified that no differentiation exists between soldiers based on their time of enlistment, be it pre or post the implementation of the Agnipath scheme.

In these trying times, it's imperative to stand united with our armed forces. Raising unfounded questions and casting aspersions only serves to demoralize the very institution that stands guard for our safety. As the nation mourns the loss of a brave soldier, it's crucial to remember the sacrifices made by our military and to shield it from divisive narratives.

The tragic demise of Agniveer Amritpal Singh, who served under the esteemed White Knight Corps, has brought forth a wave of sorrow and respect. Stationed in the Rajouri sector, Singh's unfortunate death was the result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound while on sentry duty. The Indian Army, in its steadfast commitment to transparency, ensured that Singh's mortal remains underwent all required medico-legal procedures, subsequently facilitating their transportation to his native place, accompanied by a dedicated Army escort party.

Unfortunate Death of Agniveer Amritpal Singh on 11 Oct 2023.
There has been some misunderstanding and misrepresentation of facts related to unfortunate death of Agniveer Amritpal Singh.
Further to the initial information given out by White Knight Corps on 14 Oct 2023, following additional details are shared to clear the perspective.
It is a grave loss to the family and the Indian Army that Agniveer Amritpal Singh committed suicide by shooting himself while on sentry duty.
In consonance with the existing practice, the mortal remains, after conduct of medico - legal procedures, were transported under Army arrangements alongwith an escort party to the native place for the last rites.
Armed Forces do not differentiate between the soldiers who joined prior to or after implementation of the Agnipath Scheme as regards entitled benefits and protocols.
Unfortunate instances of death arising out of suicide/ self inflicted injury, irrespective of the type of entry, are accorded due respect by the Armed Forces along with deep and enduring empathy with the family. Such cases, however, are not entitled Military Funerals as per the extant Army Order of 1967, in vogue. Policy on the subject has been consistently followed ever since, without any discrimination. As per data held, there has been an average yearly loss ranging between 100 - 140 soldiers since 2001 where deaths occurred due to suicides / self inflicted injuries, and Military Funeral in such cases was not accorded. The disbursement of financial assistance / relief, as per entitlement, is given due priority including immediate financial relief for conduct of funerals.
Such unfortunate instances of loss bear heavy on the family and the Forces as a fraternity. During such times, it is important and incumbent on the society to uphold the respect, privacy and dignity of the family while empathising with them in their moment of grief.
Armed Forces are known for adherence to the policies and protocols and will continue to do so as hithertofore. The Indian Army requests support of all sections of the society while it follows its established protocols.

However, in the shadow of this unfortunate event, there have been ripples of "misunderstanding and misrepresentation" concerning the circumstances surrounding Singh's death. It is worth noting that the Army, an institution of immense dedication and sacrifice, promptly addressed these misunderstandings by providing a clear account of the incident.

It is deeply distressing to observe certain factions attempting to distort facts and create an atmosphere of distrust during such somber moments. Our armed forces deserve unwavering support, and any attempt to undermine their integrity should be met with skepticism. As we mourn the loss of a braveheart, it is our collective duty to shield the Indian Army from baseless allegations and uphold its revered stature.

In recent days, following the tragic demise of Agniveer Amritpal Singh, the Indian Army has been not only grieving for a lost soldier but also grappling with a torrent of misinformation. The loss of a soldier is always deeply felt, and amidst this emotional maelstrom, the Army's clarifications serve as a beacon of truth.

"Unfortunate instances of death arising out of suicide/self-inflicted injury, irrespective of the type of entry, are accorded due respect by the Armed Forces along with deep and enduring empathy with the family," the Army pointed out, underscoring its unwavering commitment to its personnel and their families.

Furthermore, the Army elucidated its non-discriminatory stance, stating unequivocally that all soldiers, regardless of their entry timeline, are treated with the same reverence and are entitled to similar benefits. The Army was also clear about the protocols concerning military funerals. "Such cases, however, are not entitled to military funerals as per the extant Army Order of 1967, in vogue. Policy on the subject has been consistently followed ever since, without any discrimination," it stated.

Yet, it's disconcerting to witness certain quarters attempting to misconstrue this somber event, casting aspersions and sowing seeds of division. In these challenging times, the need of the hour is to stand unwaveringly with our Armed Forces, recognizing their sacrifices and upholding their honor. Let us rise above divisive narratives and extend our unyielding support and trust to our brave soldiers.

Amidst the whirlwind of discussions and debates, the Indian Army remains an institution of unwavering commitment and honor. Addressing the recent controversies, the Army stated, "Armed Forces are known for adherence to the policies and protocols and will continue to do so as hithertofore." This serves as a poignant reminder that the Army's steadfastness and dedication to protocols are unparalleled. They urged, "The Indian Army requests support of all sections of the society while it follows its established protocols."

Punjab CM to raise objections against Centre

However, in a seemingly political move, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann weighed in on the matter. He announced that his government would strongly object to the Centre over the denial of a guard of honour to Agniveer Amritpal Singh. One can't help but wonder, amidst genuine grief, if there are attempts to politicize a soldier's unfortunate demise.

It's crucial for the nation to recognize the delicate balance that our Armed Forces maintain in upholding protocols while extending deepest condolences and support. Misunderstandings can arise, but it's imperative to trust the integrity of our forces, especially when they have consistently demonstrated unwavering commitment to the nation and its people.

Punjab's Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, in a move that showcases his state's unwavering commitment to its soldiers, took to Twitter to voice his sentiments, "Whatever may be the Army's policy regarding the martyrdom of Shaheed Amritpal Singh, but the Punjab government's policy will remain the same as for every martyr. Shaheed Amritpal Singh is a martyr of the country. A strong objection will also be raised with the Central Government."

Further emphasizing his point, the Chief Minister announced that the state government would grant ₹1 crore as compensation to the Agniveer jawan's family, aligning with Punjab's policy. He powerfully remarked that irrespective of the Centre's stance, his government is firmly committed to revering and honoring the families of such valiant "sons of the soil."

However, the political arena has been rife with contrasting opinions. Partap Singh Bajwa, the Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Assembly, expressed his dismay over the absence of an army guard of honour during Amritpal Singh's cremation. As he voiced his shock, it became clear that this issue transcends mere policies and delves into the emotional and symbolic aspects that resonate with the masses.

While protocols and practices are essential, it's the heart behind them that carries weight. The nation watches, as leaders grapple with the delicate balance of upholding tradition and responding to public sentiment.

Partap Singh Bajwa, in what can only be seen as an attempt to stir controversy, took to Twitter stating, "It was quite shocking to learn that no army guard of honour was given during the cremation of the first martyred Agniveer from the Mansa district of Punjab Amritpal Singh (21). Didn't he lay down his life for the country?" Such remarks, while posed as genuine questions, are laden with insinuations that could potentially undermine the Army's integrity.

Shiromani Akali Dal leader and former union minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal said she was shocked to learn that Singh was cremated without an army guard of honor. She sought intervention from Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, seeking necessary directions to accord military honors to all martyred soldiers. Taking to Twitter, she wrote: Shocked to learn that Agniveer Amritpal Singh, who was martyred in the line of duty in Poonch in J&K, was cremated without an army guard of honor and even his body was brought to his native village in Mansa in a private ambulance by his family! It is learned that this happened because Amritpal was an Agniveer. We must accord due respect to all our soldiers. Request Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to issue directions to accord military honors to all martyred soldiers.

Punjab Congress chief Amrinder Singh Raja Warring, not to be outdone, chimed in with his own critique. "This is a sad day for our country as this (soldier) who was recruited under the Agnipath scheme was sent back home in a private ambulance and not given any guard of honour by the @adgpi," he mentioned in a tweet.

In the midst of this, the Indian Army's commitment to honor and discipline stands firm, even as it finds itself in the crosshairs of political opportunism. As the nation mourns the loss of its brave son, it would do well to remember the sanctity and reasons behind long-established protocols, rather than allowing them to be fodder for political point-scoring.

It's evident that certain politicians are using this tragic incident as a springboard to gain political mileage. Instead of uniting in grief, they seem keen on creating divisions for their gains. The Indian Army, known globally for its honor and discipline, doesn't deserve to be caught in the crosshairs of political opportunism.

The political discourse surrounding the tragic death of Agniveer Amritpal Singh took a fresh turn when Punjab Congress chief Amrinder Singh Raja Warring posed a poignant question: "Does being an Agniveer mean that their lives don't matter as much?" This statement, weighted with implications, brings to the forefront the recently introduced Agnipath Scheme and the value accorded to those recruited under it.

For those unfamiliar, the Agnipath Scheme, rolled out on June 14, 2022, serves as a new recruitment pathway for the nation's brave young men to join the armed forces. Dubbed 'Agniveers', these soldiers embody the spirit and vigor of modern-day warriors. The scheme provisions for the recruitment of youths aged between 17.5 and 23 years for a tenure of four years. Furthermore, there's an arrangement to retain a quarter of these recruits for an extended period of 15 years, ensuring continuity and experienced hands within the ranks.

As India marches forward, bolstering its defense capabilities and structures, the value and respect for every soldier, be it an Agniveer or otherwise, should remain uncompromised. Political rhetoric should never overshadow the sacrifices and dedication of those who stand guard, protecting the nation's borders. It is imperative that as a society, we rise above divisive narratives and honor the memory and service of all soldiers with the reverence they rightfully deserve.

The Thin Line Between Questioning and Maligning: A Tale of Propaganda

In the annals of democracy, the right to raise questions stands as a paramount pillar. It enables the very essence of accountability and transparency, ensuring that the powerful remain answerable to the public they serve. However, when the very act of questioning is laced with insinuations and ulterior motives, it veers away from its noble intent and ventures into the murky waters of propaganda. More so, when the target is none other than our country's backbone - the Indian Army.

Now, one might wonder, why would someone cast aspersions on an institution that stands as the epitome of sacrifice, discipline, and national pride? The answer, unfortunately, lies in the dark corners of political opportunism and agenda-driven narratives. There are those who wear the cloak of intellectuals or politicians, but beneath that guise, they act as vultures, circling over any incident, no matter how tragic, to twist it to their advantage. For them, every sad news is an opportunity, a ticket to propagate their skewed perspectives.

When the Indian Army, an institution known for its unwavering commitment to the nation, releases an official statement, it does so with due diligence, ensuring that the facts are laid bare for the public to see. However, the propaganda peddlers, in their relentless quest for mileage, choose to ignore these statements, fanning the flames of doubt and mistrust. In doing so, they not only undermine the army's credibility but also sow seeds of division within the ranks and the society at large.

It's crucial to understand the timing of such divisive tactics. The world today stands on the precipice of geopolitical upheavals, with tensions simmering in various regions. At such a juncture, unity and trust in our country's military and defense apparatus become even more paramount. Any attempt to erode this trust, to create fissures in the societal fabric, is akin to playing with fire.

So, what drives these individuals to act in a manner that's detrimental to national interest? Is it mere political mileage, or is there a deeper, more sinister agenda at play? While the answers might vary, the underlying theme remains consistent - a blatant disregard for the nation's well-being in pursuit of personal or ideological gains.

One can't help but wonder: Do these individuals ever pause and reflect upon the repercussions of their actions? Do they ever consider the ramifications of creating a divide in a society that should stand united, especially during challenging times? Or are they so blinded by their ambitions that they're willing to sacrifice the nation's harmony at the altar of their propaganda?

Concluding, it's vital to discern the fine line between genuine questioning and malevolent intent. While the former is a cornerstone of democracy, the latter is a venom that threatens to weaken our nation's foundations. Those who exploit tragedies, attempting to score points over the dead, exemplify a level of malevolence that's deeply unsettling. In such trying times, it's imperative for the citizenry to stand united, placing unwavering faith in our defense forces, and guarding against those who seek to divide us. After all, unity is our greatest weapon against both external and internal threats.

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