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"In a monumental stride, Bharat ancient roots meet its space-age achievements under Modi": With 'Angad's footstep' on the Moon and landmarks named 'Shiv Shakti' & 'Tiranga', the nation beams with pride as Aug 23 is now immortalized as National Space Day

"Our national pride rests there," he continued, emphasizing India's evolved audacity to chart new territories and illuminate the world's darkest corners
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Chandrayaan-3's Triumph: A Glorious Feather in India's Cap and A Gift to Humanity
Chandrayaan-3's Triumph: A Glorious Feather in India's Cap and A Gift to Humanity

In the bustling streets of India, a decade ago, you'd catch glimpses of Western influence – from the clothes on the back of a local resident to the imported items filling up their homes. Working abroad or globe-trotting was the emblem of prestige, a symbol of having 'arrived'. The treasures of Sanatan Dharma felt distant, almost lost in a mist of the past. The mere act of embracing one's cultural heritage was often seen through skeptical eyes, considered an archaic way of thinking. But times have changed, and India today is undergoing a transformative renaissance, melding the ancient with the contemporary, the sacred with the pioneering.

It's like stepping back in time to the golden era, with its modern twist. Watching the nation's leader, forehead adorned with the sacred tilak, laying the foundation stone for the much-awaited Ram Mandir, a dream cherished for over half a millennium, one can't help but feel a stir of emotions. This emotion intensifies as he facilitates the Kashi Vishwanath corridor, realizing visions that once seemed impossible. Yet, the zenith of this national pride arrived on August 23, when India, under a global spotlight, touched down on the Moon's elusive South Pole.

The sheer audacity and success of this venture prompted PM Modi to christen August 23 as 'National Space Day', honoring the incredible achievements of Chandrayaan-3. Some may dismiss the importance of such a declaration, but the heartfelt applause and joy radiating from seasoned ISRO scientists, their faces beaming like children on Holi morning, paints a vivid picture of its profound significance.

The journey of India, once torn between the allure of the West and its own vibrant history, has now reached a juncture where the road ahead seems paved with promise. In the echoes of the past and the exhilarating potential of the future, the nation stands united, both grounded in its deep-rooted traditions and gazing skyward with ambition and hope. As we march forward, we remember those we've lost and cherish the promise of the beautiful journey that lies ahead. This is India's moment, a confluence of its storied heritage and its boundless dreams.

In a moment that will be cherished in history books, PM Modi elegantly wove the success of the Chandrayaan-3 journey into the threads of India's rich Sanatan culture. His words resonated, not just as a mere statement on a scientific achievement, but as a deep-rooted connection of a nation's present to its past.

Modi likened the solid footprint of our 'Moon Lander' to that of the legendary figure, Angad, from Indian epics. It was as if Angad's unshakeable foot, which once stood firm on the ground in defiance, had found its counterpart in India's space odyssey. Drawing further parallels, PM Modi eloquently juxtaposed "the valour of Vikram" with "the bravery of Pragyan" - a testament to the nation's unwavering spirit and tenacity.

Yet, one of his most poignant remarks came when he named the point of Chandrayaan-3’s moon lander's touchdown as the 'Shiv Shakti Point'. To many, 'Shiv' signifies a commitment to the welfare of humanity, a driving force that encourages positive change. 'Shakti', on the other hand, embodies the potent energy and strength that propels us towards fulfilling such noble resolutions.

By designating this point on the moon as the 'Shiv Shakti Point', PM Modi elegantly bridged the vast spatial gap between the Earth and the Moon. In his words, it establishes a symbolic connection, one that stretches from the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the southernmost tip of Kanyakumari.

The Prime Minister's announcement that the landmark of Chandrayaan-2 would be christened 'Tiranga' is laden with significance. The name, which translates to 'Tricolour', echoes the pride and unity of the Indian flag. As he emphasized, 'Tiranga' stands as a beacon for every Indian effort, a poignant reminder that setbacks are but stepping stones to greater glories. Failure is not the destination, but merely a chapter in the tale of progress.

But the clarion call wasn't just a celebration of the past. Modi presented a stimulating challenge to India's youth, the torchbearers of the future. His words, "I urge the new generation to validate the astronomical formulas present in Indian scriptures scientifically," emphasize a blend of reverence for ancient wisdom and the urgency of modern validation. For too long, the treasures of Indian scientific knowledge have lain dormant, overshadowed by eras of subjugation and external influence. Now, as we find ourselves in the 'Azadi ka Amrit Kaal', or the era of the golden jubilee of independence, there's a clarion call to unearth this buried wisdom, to research, validate, and share it with the world.

The road ahead is not just about retracing the steps of our forefathers but also about crafting new legacies, writing fresh narratives. As the chapters of history unfold, they are intertwined with prophecies of an exhilarating future. Each announcement by the Prime Minister doesn't just record past achievements; it sows seeds for the morrow, promising a horizon filled with unparalleled successes and defining milestones. The spirit of India, forever undying, is ready for its next epoch-making journey.

Chandrayaan-3 is not just India’s alone but belongs to all of humanity - PM Modi

In a heartwarming address at the ISRO headquarters, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that the grandeur of Chandrayaan-3's success resonates not merely within the boundaries of India but echoes across the vast expanse of humanity itself.

"The success of Chandrayaan-3 is not just India’s alone but belongs to all of humanity," the Prime Minister proudly announced, a sentiment that encapsulates India's age-old ethos of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' - the world is one family.

Following a whirlwind tour of South Africa and Greece, the Prime Minister's spontaneous decision to fly straight to the Indian Space Research Organisation's command centre in Bengaluru speaks volumes of his respect and reverence for the nation's scientific community. And amidst the flurry of excitement, PM Modi made a historic announcement: August 23rd is henceforth to be celebrated as 'National Space Day' in honor of Chandrayaan-3's momentous touchdown on the moon.

A touching moment ensued as PM Modi, wearing his heart on his sleeve, met and engaged with the scientific maestros behind Chandrayaan-3. The scene at the ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) was poignant. These were not just conversations between a leader and his team; they were heartfelt interactions between a proud nation's representative and its brightest minds.

"I may have surprised you with this impromptu visit," the Prime Minister admitted, hinting at a slight disruption his sudden plans might have caused. But his eyes, shimmering with tears of pride, left no doubt about his genuine intent. "I simply had to come here, to personally salute each one of you," he said, emphasizing the virtues of their "diligence, dedication, courage, devotion, and passion."

India's space endeavors have always been more than just a display of technological prowess. They are a testament to a nation's spirit, its unwavering resolve, and an inspiration that extends beyond geopolitical borders. As the world watches and celebrates with us, Chandrayaan-3 isn't just a satellite; it's a beacon of hope, unity, and collective human accomplishment.

India's Lunar Legacy: Chandrayaan-3 and the Dawn of a New Era

In the vastness of space, where silence speaks volumes, India's voice resonated profoundly as Chandrayaan-3 made its mark on the moon. PM Narendra Modi, in his impassioned speech at the ISRO command centre, aptly christened this monumental moment as a reflection of India's fearless scientific prowess.

"India is on the Moon," he declared, an assertion pulsating with layers of significance. "Our national pride rests there," he continued, emphasizing India's evolved audacity to chart new territories and illuminate the world's darkest corners. It is this rejuvenated India, he contends, that "will provide solutions to the big problems of the world in the 21st century."

The euphoria that followed Chandrayaan-3's successful touchdown is hard to articulate. Yet, PM Modi captured the sentiment flawlessly. He evoked the collective pride and joy of a billion hearts, stating, “The moment of touchdown is one of the most inspiring moments of this century. Every Indian took it as his or her own victory.”

In the annals of space exploration, where each success is often accompanied by vivid imagery, the Prime Minister painted a vivid tableau. Likening the 'Moon Lander' to Angad, the legendary figure known for his unwavering stance, he drew parallels to the bravery of Pragyan and the valour of Vikram. It was a poetic nod to India’s lunar mission unveiling the unseen facets of the moon.

Chandrayaan-3 isn't just about India's triumph. As PM Modi reiterated, it will pave the way for subsequent lunar missions globally. It holds the promise of not just unearthing lunar secrets but addressing terrestrial challenges.

In a deeply symbolic gesture, PM Modi named the landing site of Chandrayaan-3 as 'Shiv Shakti.' Drawing on the rich tapestry of India's cultural heritage, he conveyed, "In Shiv, there is a resolution for the welfare of humanity, and Shakti provides the strength to fulfill those resolutions." The Shiv Shakti Point, he believes, bridges the vast expanse between the Himalayas and Kanyakumari, beautifully melding science with sentiment.

As the world turns its gaze to the moon, they will see more than just craters and ridges. They will witness India's indomitable spirit, a beacon of hope and a testament to human endeavor. The story of Chandrayaan-3 is not merely about reaching the moon; it's about India's resolute journey from aspiration to realization.

India's moonlit epilogue: Chandrayaan's triumph and the echo of a Legacy

Space, the vast expanse where stars twinkle and galaxies swirl, has witnessed a new chapter in its story – India's lunar triumph. And as Chandrayaan-2's remnants rest on the moon, PM Narendra Modi, in a heartfelt gesture, has christened its landing spot 'Tiranga'. This emblematic gesture isn't just a mere naming act. The 'Tiranga' point, as the Prime Minister elucidated, serves as a reminder that setbacks are not conclusions, but beginnings of greater journeys.

It's an epoch where India hasn't merely touched the moon but has embarked on multifarious global achievements. As PM Modi rightly stressed, India has ascended as not just the fourth nation to gracefully touchdown on the lunar surface but has also emerged as the world's fifth-largest economy. From forestry to the frontier of technology, India now stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the world's vanguards.

"It's a progression from the third row to the first, and pivotal institutions like ISRO have been the wind beneath our wings," beamed the Prime Minister.

Yet, the narrative doesn't end here. In his sagacious demeanor, PM Modi passed the baton to the forthcoming generation. He envisioned them delving deep into India's rich scriptures, rediscovering astronomical formulas, and endorsing India's treasured scientific heritage.

"In this era of 'Azadi ka Amrit Kaal', it's incumbent upon us to unearth the scientific jewels that have remained obscured during our historical subjugations," he said. The clarion call was clear – for the youth to straddle the dual role of being keepers of ancient wisdom and harbingers of futuristic innovation.

As we revel in the glory of Chandrayaan's success, the essence of PM Modi's message remains vivid: to continuously reach for the stars while being anchored in our roots. India's tryst with space isn't just about explorations; it's about amalgamating the past with the present, heritage with advancement, and dreams with reality. Chandrayaan is not merely a mission; it's India's ode to the universe.

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