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Friday, 20 September 2024 | 10:02 am

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"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not": Hindu man Krishnan faced a shocking Hinduphobic and racist attack at a Taco Bell fast food outlet in California, USA, Khalistani rallies and anti-Bharat hate crimes rising

Shockingly, the Taco Bell employees did not try to stop the attack and even continued serving food on a counter where the accused had to spit during his lengthy rant
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Anti-Hindu
Shocking Hinduphobic attack in California, USA
Shocking Hinduphobic attack in California, USA

Hinduphobia or anti-Hindu hatred has a tragically long history that continues to this day across the globe. They are fueled by a range of factors, including religious intolerance, religious exclusivism, a lack of religious literacy, misrepresentation in the media, academic bias still rooted in oftentimes racist, colonial-era misportrayals, and, in the diaspora, generalized anti-immigrant xenophobia and hatred.

The rapidly growing population of Hindus attracted anti-immigrant violence. Hindus wearing traditional clothes such as saris and bindis (traditional head markings) began to attract attention and harassment from other communities. “It’s white people against the Hindus” noted one individual in justifying his anti-Hindu harassment.

A Hindu man faced a shocking Hinduphobic and racist verbal attack in California, USA. The man Krishnan J Iyer posted a video of his encounter at a Taco Bell fast food outlet in Fremont.

Krishnan mentioned that the Fremont Police came to his rescue, but it is not known if the accused has been arrested. Shockingly, the Taco Bell employees did not try to stop the attack and even continued serving food on a counter where the accused had to spit during his lengthy rant.

Krishnan posted the last 8 minutes of the 15 minutes encounter he had to endure at the Taco Bell. He added that in the initial part, the abuser spat directly at him, but the spit ended up on the counter.

The video can be seen on YouTube (warning: extremely abusive and offensive language).

Here is an excerpt of the disturbing anti-Hindu bigotry and abuse: “You people are f*****g ugly, nasty..you are disgusting, retarded. He likes eating cow s**t (talking to staff)..he bathes in urine. I am going to beat your a**, n****r. You look nasty, dirty Hindu (spits). f*****g ordering bean burrito. “

Turning to the Taco Bell staff, he says “May i get a BEEF Quesadilla..everything beef, I like beef”

Then he again starts ranting at Krishnan, “You dirty m****rf****r. You f*****g ugly ass Hindu…you f****d India up, you are f*****g America up. You are disgusted with your H1-B visa…you f****g disgusting. Cow urine, that’s what you shower in. Nobody likes you, that’s why you get robbed. That’s why you m****rf*****s are victims, p**sy. Jai Hind, Jai Hind (in mocking tone, followed by derogatory gesture)”

At various points during his rant, the accused points at and advances menacingly toward Krishnan.

The accused can be seen sporting a top knot, and beard, and wearing a dark T-shirt, shorts, and red sneakers. Listening to the vile abuses and usual anti-Hindu tropes spewed by him, he appears to be clued into subcontinental affairs where such anti-Hindu venom is often heard from Hindu haters. He also has several tattoos on his arms, with at least 2 guns (AK-47s?) clearly discernible, leading some netizens to suspect he could be a Khalistani sympathizer.

California has witnessed Khalistani rallies and other anti-Bharat hate crimes in the recent past. For instance: exhibit Aexhibit Bexhibit C, and exhibit D.

“Cow urine/Gaumutra drinkers” is a favorite slur of Hindu haters. It is deployed by jihadi suicide bombersKhalistanisliberalsDravidianists, and other assorted Hinduphobes. The subtle anti-Hindu propaganda over Hindu reverence for the cow is also peddled by sensationalist articles in the Western press like BBCReuters, etc.

Hinduphobia is fast getting ever more entrenched in the mainstream discourse of the West. While earlier it was largely confined to Christian fundamentalists, left-liberals and Islamist/Khalistani subcontinental diaspora are now using similar tropes to demonize Hindus as ‘cow urine drinkers’, ‘caste oppressors’, ‘Brahminical’ etc.

Bharat’s refusal to toe the Western line in recent years, especially on the Ukraine conflict, has further enraged the American establishment. A slew of ‘independent’ Western think tanks has falsely castigated Bharat for ‘anti-minority acts’, ‘religious intolerance’, ‘democratic backsliding’ etc. Such rhetoric has further legitimized anti-Hindu sentiment and led to a rise in attacks on Hindus and Hindu temples in the West, and even bullying of immigrants and students.



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